My sister is so pinteresty... she pretty much has her life planned out board by board and makes things accordingly. For example, she is currently in the middle of 3+ projects for her new apartment, plus planning an engagement party for her friend (and now is probably creating a board called "revenge" to come up with ideas for getting back at me for mentioning her on this post).
Anyways, her craftiness inspired me to attempt to redecorate our master bedroom (can you say redecorate if you never really decorated it?). While this endeavor is probably going to take me about 4 years, I have successfully completed one project. Behold, the Starburst Mirror.
Jumbo popsicle sticks, a flat round mirror, a glue gun, and some spray paint... viola!
AND it cost me less than $7.
5.78 popsicle sticks & mirror (Joanns-work those 60% off coupons!)
+1.07 spray paint (clearance at Walmart)
Here is how I (ok, really it was both my sister and I) did it:
While she glued the popsicle sticks into groups of 3 to 5, I began to arrange these bunches and glue them together, occasionally adding an extra stick here and there to fill in the spaces. It is VERY important to slowly rotate the mirror around keeping the portion you are working on directly at the top and in front of you. This way you can make sure that the sticks are straight all the way around.
Once it is finished, lay the mirror on top and mark where it is going to lay so that it is centered.
Next, flip the whole thing over and create a support frame of popsicle sticks. This is how we did it (Notice we added an extra reinforcement to one spot where we we going to tie a string to hang it).
Finally, we gently propped it up and spray painted it.
Once it is dry, just securely glue the mirror to the starburst and thread a string or wire through your reinforced spot to hang it.
More little projects to come,
the measuring mama