The fourth book in my geeky installment of quiet books for kids, your tiny Lord Of The Rings fans don't have to wait any longer. What better way to keep your kids busy and quiet then to let them take a tour through one of the greatest fantasy series of all time.
Travel through the shire, opening doors to find hidden images. Journey to Rivendell to meet the finger puppet members of the fellowship of the ring. Help Gollum find his precious, and even try the ring on your self! This 10 page felt book is guaranteed to keep your kids quietly busy and happy for hours!
NEXT: Open the doors... -->
NEXT: Find all the people! -->
NEXT: Gollum! -->
He's real creepy!
NEXT: The Ring! -->
NEXT: Help Gandalf Escape! -->
NEXT: Help Sam and Frodo! -->
NEXT: Destroy the Ring! -->
I just LOVE this volcano!
NEXT: Help Aragorn Become King! -->
julie gillrie