Here are some very simple curtains that you can sew yourself! If you don’t have a sewing machine, you could try it with fabric glue.
You will need:
- About 2 yards of fabric
- Ribbon to match
- Fabric scissors
- Straight pins
- Sewing machine or fabric glue
What to do:
1. Cut your fabric to the width of your window, adding a little extra for the side hem. The length of my curtains (after hemming) is about 18 inches. Add about 4 inches for the top curtain opening and bottom hem for a total length of 22 inches.
2. First, sew your side hems. I only tucked under about 1/4 inch and then sewed it.
3. Pin down a hem on the top and bottom. I tucked under about 1/2 inch which left a 1 1/2 inch hem.
4. Sew your top and bottom hem.
5. Trim your ribbon with an angled cut so that it won’t fray. I think I did about a yard. You can trim it if it’s too long.
6. Insert your curtain rod into the top hem opening. Hang your curtains. Tie a ribbon on each side and adjust to your liking.
Amber Tincher and Amy Leckrone
Co-founders of Camp Mommawatchi
Purchase at-home camp curriculum at