Idea submitted by Lisa of Zionsville, Indiana.
Is your child having an Angry Birds birthday party? Here is a fun invitation that you can make on your own! This is a great invitation to hand-deliver to your party guests because it’s too big to fit in a regular-sized envelope.
You will need:
- Various colors of cardstock – red, peach, black and orange
- White copy paper
- 1/2-in. googly eyes (2 per invitation)
- Colored pencils – black, red & orange
- Black fine-point marker
- 8-inch bowl or round template
- A bowl smaller than the 8-inch bowl
- Scissors
- Double-sided tape
- Pencil
- Birthday stickers (optional)
- For the “head” – On the red cardstock, use the 8-inch bowl or round template and trace around it with a pencil. Leave approximately a 2-inch space untraced at the top to draw some feathers. Cut out the head with scissors.
- For the “belly” (area under the beak) – Using the smaller bowl, trace a circle onto the peach cardstock. Cut it out and trim to fit onto the red head - rounded at the bottom and the top (see photo).
- For the “beak” – Using a black fine-point marker, draw a beak shape on orange cardstock and cut out. Use your colored pencils to draw more detail.
- For the “eyes” – Cut out two white circles (about 1 1/4″).
- For the “eyebrows” – Cut out 2 1/4-inch by 1/2-inch strips from the black cardstock (2 per invitation).
- Once everything is cut out, assemble the facial features and adhere to the red head with double-sided tape.
- On the back – Cut out a 4 1/4-inch square from the orange cardstock and tape onto the back. Using a computer, type out the party information and an Angry Birds picture to fit in a 3 1/4-inch square. Print onto white paper and cut. Add a festive birthday sticker if you’d like. Here is the text that Lisa used:
Amber Tincher and Amy Leckrone
Co-founders Camp Mommawatchi