It’s best to develop a person’s set of capabilities and aptitude during their formative years. For children, play translates to education. Playgroups give the opportunity for kids to develop their problem-solving and creative skills. Their social talents and emotional intelligence are also nurtured in this time.
Creating their Masterpieces at Play
As Pablo Picasso said, all children are artists. The challenge is for them to keep that artistic spirit as they grow up. While doing arts and crafts, kids can practice their hand-to-eye coordination skills. They don’t need to worry about colouring inside the lines. Strict rules shouldn’t be applicable during art sessions. Their works don’t need to be perfect as well, though they’ll always be beautiful.
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Sample Arts & Craft Projects
Despite the gadget trends of today, you can still develop the child’s concentration skills through arts and crafts projects. You’ll simply need to prepare all the needed materials, as well as have the agility and patience to integrate creative concepts in a way your young learners will understand.
Here are some projects you can try out:
• Papier Mache
Translated from French, this concept means “chewed paper”. Using paper-based materials that are “chewed up”, kids can form three-dimensional moulds, and sculpt them into different shapes. Paper moulds can then be turned into airplanes, balloons, cars and even dinosaurs.
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Children can choose different hues of paints and watercolour materials to make their works more interesting. You will simply need to prepare newspapers, flour, thick water-based glue and child-friendly paint. You can prepare your paper mixture before beginning the class. Students can then practice their moulding skills and accuracy in estimating proportions of their target figures.
• Card Making
Bring out the literary side in your students as they make cards for their loved ones. These don’t need to be done only during Valentines’ Day. Children can learn the value of thoughtfulness while writing their cards for friends with birthdays or whenever they want to make someone feel special.
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You can stock up on card making paper supplies, colourful trinkets, interesting pictures and glitter pens in the classroom. Depending on the size of your class, each student gets to write a card for a loved one. They’ll be entitled to draft a card just to brighten up someone’s day.
• Kiddie Recipes
Now is the time when kids are finally allowed to play with their food. Ice cream sprinkles and veggie pastas would be interesting for the students to get their hands on. They’re easy to prepare and if you’re teaching your students how to identify different types of colours and textures, sprinkles and pasta toppings make great references.
For ice cream sprinkles, you can prepare the main ingredient: chocolate or vanilla ice cream. Toppings can be differently-shaped marshmallows, lollies and chocolate bits.
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Veggie pastas should be combined with melted cheese. While most kids are cheese fans, not so many like vegetables and healthy veggies can be disguised by the dairy-based sauce.
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Positive learning experiences are what count when it comes to teaching children. Arts and crafts are just a few of the activities which can enhance a child’s life and learning skills. Eventually, they’ll apply the dexterity of their hands in more practical and crucial situations.